Card Size: 3.5" x 5.5"
Ruins of Spanish Fortress Trading Post Glorieta Pass New Mexico Postcard
Back Information:
GLORIETA PASS-OLD PIGEON RANCH Ruins of Old Indian and Spanish Trading Post over 250 years old.
Located 20 miles east of Santa Fe, on the Santa Fe Trail.
Glorieta Pass in early days was the only pass through the mountains for a space of 200 miles north and south.
1542-Coronado, the Spanish explorer, passed through Glorieta Pass and gave it its name, from the many beautiful trees of Pine. Oak, Cedar, Cottonwood and Juniper which fill the pass.
1841-Spanish captured first train of Texas traders, killing many, and capturing and sending balance to Mexico City as prisoners. This act brought on the final break between Texas and Mexico.
1846-Stephens W. Kearny, sent out by the American Government, met the Spanish forcec under Gen. Armijo, and after dispersing the Spanish forces, declared the same American territory.
March 27-29, 1862-The Northern forces of 3.000 under Gen. Canby met the Southern forces of 2,500 men under Gen. H. H. Sibly from Texas. The most decisive battle between the North and South was fought here, about half of the forces being lost.
The most wonderful and historical old Indian. Spanish-American well of pure cold mountain water is also here