Description :


The Ten Mahavidyas are known as Wisdom Goddesses. Thespectrum of these ten Goddesses covers the whole range of feminine divinity,encompassing horrific Goddess’s at one end, to the ravishingly beautiful at theother. Mahavidya means (Maha – great; vidya – knowledge) Goddesses of greatknowledge.


These Das Mahavidya Goddesses are:


Kali (the Eternal Night) : The first Mahavidya is Kali.Seated on a corpse, greatly terrifying, laughing loudly, with fearful fangs,four arms holding a cleaver, a skull, and giving the mudras bestowing boons anddispelling fear, wearing a garland of skulls, her tongue rolling wildly,completely naked (digambara – clad in the directions), with just a garland ofdemon-hands round her waist, with heaped locks of a black cascade of hair. Thusone should meditate on Kali, dwelling in the centre of the cremation ground.


Tara (the Compassionate Goddess) :Tara is the second of themahavidyas. She is described as seated in the pratyaaleerrha asana, on theheart of a corpse, supreme, laughing horribly, holding cleaver, blue lotus,dagger and bowl, uttering the mantra Hum, coloured blue, her hair braided withserpents, the Ugratara. She is the bestows all supernatural powers. She is thetantric form of the Goddess Saraswati.


Tripura-Sundari (the Goddess who is Sixteen Years Old) : Thethird Mahavidya is Shodashi (16-year-old lass), also known as Tripura-Sundariand Lalita, among a string of other names. She is the zenith of the creativecycle when the entire universe, like a flower, is in full bloom. She is thechief deity of the Sri Vidya form of worship, and is contacted either in thecentral circuit of the Sri Yantra, or in her own yantra, the Nava-Yoni Chakra.Her anthropomorphic qualities are brilliancy, manifestation, sweetness, depth,fixity, energy, grace, and generosity.


Bhuvaneshwari (the Creator of the World) : Means the Queenof the Universe, Maya, power of love, peace within, as void. She is like thered rays of the rising sun, with the moon as her diadem, and with three eyes, asmiling face, bestowing boons, holding a goad, a noose and dispelling fears. Onthe right side of Bhuvaneshvari, who in the heavens, on earth, and in theunderworlds is known as the Adya, worship Tryambaka. She is the fourthMahavidya.


Chhinnamastaa (the Goddess who cuts off her Own Head) : Thefifth Mahavidya, Chhinnamastaa, looks like the red hibiscus. Her left foot forwardin battle, she holds her severed head and a scimitar. Naked, she drinksvoluptuously the stream of the blood nectar flowing from her beheaded body,along with her two female celestial companions. The jewel on her forehead istied with a serpent. She has three eyes. Her breasts are adorned with lotuses.Inclined towards lust, she sits erect above the god of love – Madana, who showssigns of lustfulness, engaged in the act of love with his consort Rati. Theimage of Chinnamasta is a composite one, conveying reality as an amalgamationof sex, death, creation, destruction and regeneration. It is stunningrepresentation of the fact that life, sex, and death are an intrinsic part ofthe grand unified scheme that makes up the manifested universe.


Bhairavi (the Goddess of Decay) : Tripura Bhairavi isSupreme Energy, Supreme Goddess of speech, as Tapas, as woman warrior. Her headgarlanded with flowers, she resembling the red rays of 1,000 rising suns,smeared with red, holding milk, book, dispelling fears and giving boons withher four hands, large three eyes, beautiful face with a slow smile, wearingwhite gems. Bhairavi embodies the principle of destruction and arises orbecomes present when the body declines and decays. She is an ever-presentgoddess who manifests herself in, and embodies, the destructive aspects of theworld. Destruction, however, is not always negative, creation cannot continuewithout it.


Dhoomavati (the Goddess who widows Herself) : The colour ofsmoke (“dhoom”), wearing smoky clothes, holding a winnowing basket, dishevelledclothes, deceitful, always trembling, with slant eyes, inspiring fear,terrifying, sitting in a chariot, with the symbol of a raven on herchariot-flag. Symbolically, she has devoured her own husband Lord Shiva in hunger,and hence, in the form of a lustreless widow. This symbolises the supremacy ofthe Devi (Nature) over all other forces (even Shiva, who himself is the cosmicforce of destruction). She is the great death of the death himself. She is theembodiment of “unsatisfied desires”. Her status as a widow itself is curious.She makes herself one by swallowing Shiva, an act of self-assertion, andperhaps independence.


Bagalamukhi (the Goddess who seizes the Tongue) : Bagala orBagalamukhi is the eighth Mahavidya in the famous series of the 10Mahavidyas.She is identified with the second night of courage and is the poweror Shakti of cruelty. She is described as the Devi with three eyes, wearingyellow clothes and gems, moon as her diadem, wearing champaka blossoms, withone hand holding the tongue of an enemy and with the left hand spiking him,thus should you meditate on the paralyser of the three worlds. Bagalamukhimeans “The Crane-Headed One”.


Matangi (the Goddess who Loves Pollution) : Dusky, beautifulbrowed, her three eyes like lotuses, seated on a jewelled lion-throne,surrounded by gods and others serving her, holding in her four lotus-like handsa noose and a sword, a shield and a goad, thus I remember Matangi, the giver ofresults, the Modini. Texts describing her worship specify that devotees shouldoffer her uccishtha (leftover food) with their hands and mouths stained withleftover food; that is, worshippers should be in a state of pollution, havingeaten and not washed. This is a dramatic reversal of the usual protocols. Sheis the ninth Mahavidya.


Kamala (the Goddess of creation, sustenance and prosperity): Kamala, the tenth, or the last of the Mahavidyas, is with a smiling face. Herbeautiful lily-white hands hold two lotuses, and show the mudras of giving anddispelling fear. She is bathed in ambrosia by four white elephants and standsupon a beautiful lotus. She is the real embodiment of Goddess Lakshmi(“Kamalekamini”), the consort of Lord Vishnu. The name Kamala means “she of thelotus” and is a common epithet of Goddess Lakshmi. Lakshmi is linked with threeimportant and interrelated themes: prosperity and wealth, fertility and crops,and good luck during the years to come.


The worship of Das mahavidyas provides bhoga (fulfillment ofmaterialisitic desires) and moksha (spiritual liberation).