"O Holy Eucharist!"
This beautiful and instructive Communion print, originally made as a gift for First Communicants, has the Holy Eucharist at the visual center. Inside the round host is an image of a pascal lamb. Grapes hang over the arms of the cross. The chalice is set with wheat stalks. Faintly to the left, we see the birth at Bethlehem; to the right the death at Calvary. The chalice dominates the snake in the grass. Above, in the triangle that represents the Trinity, we have God’s hands holding his Sacred Heart.
The phrase at the top means Jesus is all ours! IHS is a monogram of the name Jesus Christ as spelled in Greek. The inscription at the bottom, “O Sainte Eucharistic! Divin resume des misericordes et de l’amour de notre sauveur,” means “O Holy Eucharistic! Divine entirety of the mercy and love of our Savior!”
When we take communion, we are taking all of God’s Sacred Heart, all of His love and mercy! As small as the Eucharist is, according to the Church, “the whole Christ is truly present, body, blood, soul, and divinity, under the appearances of bread and wine.”
source: www.USCCB.com
We offer this print 3 ways: in the original French, in an English translation (lower area), and as a personalized print with name, date, and other information of the First Communicant. Comes unframed or framed in a lovely gold-colored frame.
All versions come with the above story of the art.
** IMPORTANT ** THE IMAGE IS SMALLER THAN THE PAPER! There is a white border of about 0.5" inch for 5x7", 1.3" for 8.5x11", or 1.6" for 11x14" pictures. All Approx! Fine art printers do this because the images are almost never the same rectangular ratio of the standard paper sizes. It also gives the prints a finished look, and lets them look good in a frame without a matt.
– Acid-free paper
– Archival pigments, rated to last for generations.
– Cardboard backer
– Above story of the art
– Enclosed in a tight-fitting, crystal clear bag.
Thanks for your interest!
Sue & John
You might also enjoy original Catholic Art and Jewerly by me, Sue Kouma Johnson, here on Etsy at www.Etsy.com/shop/TreeOfHeaven
Also, check out our Catholic Quote shop, where we are pairing authentic quotes from Saints with Art: www.Etsy.com/shop/CatholicQuote
“In order to communicate the message entrusted to her by Christ, the Church needs art.” ~ St. Pope John Paul II
Original image is out-of-copyright. Descriptive text and image alterations (hence the whole new image) © by Sue Kouma Johnson – CatholicArtAndJewelry.