Sanyo Denki
BL Super PZ
Model PZ0A150HP66SH0
PZ0A 150H
AC Servo Amplifier
Input: AC200V
200-230 VAC
150 A
Type CM150TF-12H
IGBT Module
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
The PZ0A150HP66SH0 18350H is a servo amplifier model from Sanyo Denki. The model is also known as the BL Super PZ.
Mitsubishi IGBT Modules are designed for use in switching applications. Each module consists of six IGBTs in a three phase bridge configuration, with each transistor having a reverse-connected super-fast recovery free-wheel diode. All components and interconnects are isolated from the heat sinking baseplate, offering simplified system assembly and thermal management. Features: ٗ Low Drive Power ٗ Low VCE(sat) ٗ Discrete Super-Fast Recovery Free-Wheel Diode ٗ High Frequency Operation ٗ Isolated Baseplate for Easy Heat Sinking Applications: ٗ AC Motor Control ٗ Motion/Servo Control ٗ UPS ٗ Welding Power Supplies Ordering Information: Example: Select the complete part module number you desire from the table below -i.e. CM150TF-12H is a 600V (VCES), 150 Ampere Six-IGBT Module. The CM150TF-12H is a Mitsubishi Electric Semiconductor IGBT module. It's a high power switching use insulated type module with the following specifications:
Type CM Current Rating Amperes 150 VCES Volts (x 50) 12
Voltage: 600 V
Current: 150 A
Circuit configuration: Six Pac
Configuration: Three Phase Inverter
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