50 Heirloom Hollyhock Indian Spring Mix seedsHollyhock; syn. Althaea chinensis Wall., Althaea ficifolia Cav., Althaea rosea Cav.) is an ornamental plant in the Malvaceae family .This old-fashioned favorite comes in a mixture of all the splendid colors found in hollyhocks. Stately spikes bear double flowers 4" across Hardy perennial, and once established should flower for many years. It will grow in a wide range of soils, and can easily reach a height of about 8 ft. The flowers are a range of colours from white to dark red, including pink, yellow and orange. Different colours prefer different soils. The darker red variety seems to favour sandy soils, while the lighter colour seems to favour clay soils.[1] The plants are easily grown from seed, and readily self-seed. However, tender plants, whether young from seed or from old stock, may be wiped out by slugs and snails. The foliage is subject to attack from rust (Puccinia malvacearum), which may be treated with fungicides.[2] Commercial growers have reported that some varieties (Alcea rugosa and Alcea ficifolia) are resistant to this fungus.[3] free gift with each order