HeirloomSupplySuccess Heirloom Flax Seeds Flax (also known as common flax or linseed) (binomial name: Linum usitatissimum) is a member of the genus Linum in the family Linaceae. It is a food and fibre crop that is grown in cooler regions of the world. Bear wonderful blue flowers and is ideal for Erosion Control. Flax fibres are taken from the stem of the plant and are two to three times as strong as those of cotton. As well, flax fibers are naturally smooth and straight. Europe and North America depended on flax for vegetable-based cloth until the nineteenth century, when cotton overtook flax as the most common plant used for making linen paper. Flax is grown on the Canadian Prairies for linseed oil, which is used as a drying oil in paints and varnish and in products such as linoleum and printing inks. It is native to the region extending from the eastern Mediterranean to India and was probably first domesticated in the Fertile Crescent. Flax was extensively cultivated in ancient China and ancient Egypt. A discovery reported in 2009 of spun, dyed, and knotted wild flax fibers in a prehistoric cave in the Republic of Georgia shows that the plant was already in used by humans at the surprisingly early date of 30,000 BC. Seeds should be planted at a rate of 40 plants per square foot at 1/4- to 1/2-inch deep into the soil. The average full growth height is 2.5 to 3 ft tall and take 90 to 125 days for plants to reach full maturity.Can be grown in any region and is It's winter hardy in zones 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 and 9

Genuine HeirloomSupplySuccess TM products may only be purchased from the Seller HeirloomSupplySuccess. All other claims to such are false, misleading replica of our authentic products. We do not and will not ever utilize a third party seller to market or sell our Genuine products.

100% Open Pollinated
100% Heirloom
100% Non-Hybrid
100% Non-GMO
Bonus Sample pack of seeds with each pack of seeds purchased