Vitamin Shower Filters

The water we use from city water systems has been treated by chemicals such as chlorine and chloramine. By definition, "chlorine is a nonmetallic element occurring naturally as a poisonous, greenish-yellow gas with an irritating, pungent odor." The new technology used in the Vitashower Shower Filter astonishingly uses a vitamin as the agent to remove the harmful chlorine in the water we use to shower.

The Vitashower Shower Filter releases the exact amount of vitamin to neutralize all chlorine or chloramine as the water passes through the shower filter. When the water is shut off, the Vitashower Shower Filter stops releasing the vitamin. This economy of vitamin release increases the useful life of the Vitashower Shower Filter significantly. Also, the Vitamin Shower Filter works in any water temperature, any water pressure and the lifetime of the filter does not depend on the water quality. All of the benefits discussed here will become clearer as you read on.

Features of the Vitamin Shower Filter

  • De-chlorinating agent is 100% pharmaceutical grade Vitamin
  • Totally neutralizes chlorine and chloramine
  • Improves condition of skin and texture of hair
  • Attaches easily to any shower fixture without lowering the height
  • Replaceable cartridge filter life of up to 15,000 gallons
  • Meets the de-chlorinating requirements of the EPAs Clean Water Act
  • Environmentally safe
  • Contains a nutrient which is essential for better health
  • 100% organic

Chlorine and Chloramine

Chlorine is universally used to chemically disinfect public water systems because of its toxic effect on harmful germs, bacteria and disease-causing organisms. As defined above, chlorine is a toxic gas. With greater exposure to toxic chlorine contained in water supplies, the potential health dangers we face become more real.

During the bathing process, the chlorine evaporates out of the water and is inhaled. This toxic gas can also spread through the house and be inhaled by others. Some reports claim that as much chlorine enters the body by inhaling steamy chlorinated shower vapors or through the open pores of the skin as that which enters the body by drinking chlorinated water during the entire day. This increased exposure to the adverse effects of chlorine by household residents can be from 6 to 100 times more than medically recommended.

Chlorine also attacks the skin and skin oils, creating a dermal drying effect. Shower water can also cause or worsen skin irritations and rashes as well as drying the skin. Showering and bathing in chlorinated water will also result in the breakage of hair shafts. Because chlorine is absorbed into the body through the skin, additional physical problems can ensue. Chlorinated water can also irritate eyes, leaving them red, itchy and burning. Inhaling the toxic steam can aggravate the sinuses and lungs. Chloramine, although a more stable compound, contains chlorine and ammonia and is also used to control bacteria in water systems. Its harmful effects cause the same dangers as pure chlorine.

Chlorine and Chloramine Cause Unwanted Side Effects for Swimmers

Chlorine and chloramine are added to swimming pools to fight germs. Chlorine itch is the term used for the sensitive itchy skin swimmers develop after swimming in a chlorinated pool or hot tub. The itch may be caused by a sensitivity or allergy to chlorine.

Chloramines and chlorine bond to the swimmers’ hair and skin and do not wash away with conventional showering or using conventional KDF or carbon shower filters. Rinsing the hair and skin with Vitashower shower filters instantly destroys the chloramines and chlorine. Vitashower filters are the only filters on the market which are capable of getting pool odor out of swimmers’ hair and skin by eliminating chloramines and chlorine

Traditional Shower Filter Technologies

Activated carbon filtration (AC) is effective in reducing certain organic chemicals and chlorine in cold water. Chlorine is attracted to and held (absorbed) into the surface of the carbon particles. However, the efficiency of absorption is quickly nullified when the water becomes warm. The lifetime of an activated carbon shower filter is very short. An activated carbon shower filter gets clogged very quickly by the dirt it is meant to stop. As soon as that happens, it immediately starts to supply dirty water.

KDF, another widely used dechlorination media, is comprised of copper and zinc. It removes free chlorine by reversing the electrochemical process that originally separated the chlorine from sodium in a brine solution. It can't, however, remove chloramines and, it's efficiency depends on water temperature, it doesn't work well in cold water.

There are several other limitations using KDF as a de-chlorinating agent. KDF shower filters are also affected by water pressure. When the water pressure is not high enough, water simply can't pass through the KDF powders. The major problem of KDF shower filters is that the lifetime of the filter depends on the quality of the water passing through it. This is truly a cath-22. When the quality of the water is bad, that's when we need a shower filter the most. The dirt a KDF filter removes from the water quickly covers the surface of the KDF that in turn makes the filter ineffective very quickly. When the quality of the water is clean, we don't need a shower filter and KDF shower filters works great and will last a lot longer.

Other shower filter manufacturers use sulfur-based compounds such as calcium sulfite or sodium sulfite (or sulfate) as de-chlorinating agents. These sulfur-based compounds can be toxic to humans. The addition of excess sulfite and sulfate chemicals to our water supplies has always been a concern.

Advantages of Vitamin over Traditional Technologies

The research by US EPA found that L-Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) reacts rapidly and stoichiometrically with active chlorine and has limited interactions with disinfection byproducts. They found no interference from L-ascorbic acid or its oxidation product (dehydroascorbic acid) in mutagenicity assays of chlorinated NOM using Salmonella typhimurium TA100, with or without metabolic activation.

Vitamin C dechlorination has a lengthy history.  It has been used in EPA and APHA methods for the dechlorination of lab samples.  In the medical industry, it is the standard for critical applications such as dialysis, where the introduction of chlorinated water or toxic chemical would be catatrophic.   Breeders of rare fish also choose this method of dechlorination.   Very recently, Vitamin dechlorination is being used in the treatment of  water.  It fully neutralizes both chlorine and chloramines.?There are several powerful arguments for using Vitamin instead of KDF, activated carbon or sulfur-based compounds as dechlorination agents. Vitamin utilizes ascorbic acid chemistry for dechlorination. It is made with an essential vitamin for humans and many animals, which is known to boost the immune system, improve skin and hair of humans. It is also the safest and least toxic of dechlorination agents.