WESTERN(White)YARROW. aka Milfoil. American native wildflower. Used by Native Americans for the relief of pain, headaches, fever reducer and to induce sleep. Butterfly and Bee attractor. Deer and rabbit resistant. Very easy to grow perennial. Containers or flower beds. Western Yarrow gets about 24" tall and has 4" clusters of very small white flowers with yellow centers. Yarrow has a long-life span(7-10+years) and can be divided year 3 and beyond. Also readily reseeds and spreads via extensive root system. Drought tolerant and pretty much carefree after established. Prefers sandy well drained soil but will grow just about anywhere that has full sun and isn't soggy. U.S. Grown seed. 1000+ Quality seeds. Thank You!

Achillea millefolium occidentalis.

Full Sun.

Spring, soil temp 68F+.

SOW on surface, about 6"apart. Needs sunlight to germinate. Keep moist.

Germinates in 10 to 45 days.

Thin to 18".

Height 24" x 18" Wide.

Light Water.

Flowers are white. Blooms from early summer through late summer.