SWEET ALYSSUM "Carpet Of Snow" seeds. Honey-scented small 1/4" white flowers with 4/5 pedals that bloom quickly (30-45 Days) from seeds sown outside in early spring. This perennial/annual groundcover produces dense clusters of tiny snow-white flowers that bloom continuously throughout the growing season. This is a compact,4-6" tall rapid growing dwarf variety which is drought tolerant and heat resistant. Excellent in containers of along front of flower bed. Carpet of Snow thrives in full sun to partial shade and in almost any soil. For best performance, Dwarf Alyssum seeds should be sown in early spring when frosty nights are over, and temperatures are warming. Alyssum seedlings cannot withstand a heavy frost. In warmer climates, zones 7-9 they are a perennial. In other zones they are a annual they will self-sow year after year. Care includes keeping well-watered throughout the summer and lightly trimming the plant back after blooming to encourage another flush of flowers. Also does well in containers and hanging baskets.1500+seeds per order. Thank You!
Lobularia maritima dwarf.
Perennial zones 7-9 / Annual that reseeds itself in all other zones.
Full sun/Part sun.
Early spring, soil temp 55F+.
SOW-Scatter on soil, lightly cover seeds, they need light to germinate. Keep moist.
Germination 14-21 Days.
Thin to about 6".
Height 4-6" x 6" Wide.
Medium water. Light fertilizer.
Flowers are white. Blooms from early summer through late summer.