The Bantam series has dominated championship courts since 2012, and this game-winning performance reaches its pinnacle in the EX-L Pro. Smart Response Technology delivers the driving force behind its explosive, yet controlled hits, while a velvet textured polycarbonate surface gives you lasting spin.
Riptide (Blue)
Barium (Green)
Aurora (Purple)
Wildfire (red)
Horizon (Yellow)
Handle Dimensions:
Standard: 4 3/8" - Ultra Cushion High Tack Performance Grip
Thin: 4 1/8" - High Tack Performance Grip
Length: 4 3/4"
Power Rating
9.5 out of 10
Control Rating
8 out of 10
Forgiveness Rating
8 out of 10
Weight: Pick your specific weight from 8.3 - 8.7 oz
Surface: Velvet Textured Polycarbonate
Core: Bantam SRT
Core Material: Advanced High Grade Polymer Composite honeycomb