Common Name: Worm-seed
Mind and Head
Ill-humour and naughtiness, great anguish and anxiety on walking in the open air. Dull pains in the head, with eyes fatigued.
Extreme sensitiveness of mind and body, offended by the slightest thing, aversion to be caressed indicates Cina.
Eyes, ear, nose
Weakness of sight, Convulsive movements of the muscles of the eyebrows.
There is irritation of the nose, causing constant desire to rub, prick, or press into it, Fluent coryza, with sensation of burning in the nostrils.
Stoppage of the nose, in the evening.
Mouth and Throat
Face pale and cold, hands warm, grits teeth during sleep.
Cramp-like pains and successive pullings in the cheek-bones is relieved with Cina.
Dry, tickling cough induced by reading.
Stomach and abdomen
Vomiting with a clean tongue, Craving for sweets. Gets hungry soon after a meal.
Epigastric pain; worse, first waking in morning , hunger may come on in the middle of the night, as in children, frequent hiccough.
Cutting and pinching pain in the abdomen from worms.
Bloated abdomen, especially in children.
Stool and Anus
Itching of the anus, Loose, involuntary, whitish evacuations.
Stool with maw-worms, thick worms indicates Cina.
Urinary complaints
Urine white, turbid, at times fetid.
Involuntary emission of urine at night.
Female complaints
Uterine hemorrhage before puberty.
Neck and Back
Pains, as from a bruise, in the loins, is relieved with Cina.
Sprained feeling in the wrist-joint, cramp-like tearings in the arms and in the hands.
Cramp-like extension of the legs is relieved with Cina.
Jerking and digging shootings in the chest. Convulsions, and distortion of the limbs.