Dr. Reckeweg Bryonia Alba

About Dr. Reckeweg Bryonia Alba

The common name for Dr. Reckeweg Bryonia Alba is Wild Hops. 

Ingredients of Dr. Reckeweg Bryonia Alba

Benefits of Dr. Reckeweg Bryonia Alba

Dosage and rules while taking Dr. Reckeweg Bryonia Alba 

Precautions while taking Dr. Reckeweg Bryonia Alba

Dr. Reckeweg Bryonia Alba has actions on the following



- Sensation they are sinking through the bed.    


- Pain: starts over Left eye, extends to occiput and whole head,  Worse on moving eyes, light (=motion of iris), jar, cough, touch, when constipated,  Better by pressure, holding the head, closing eyes.  

- Meningitis.    

-  Vertigo, nausea, faintness on rising, confusion. 

- Frontal headache, frontal sinuses involved


- Pain on moving eyes or lids.

- Pressing, crushing, aching pain. Glaucoma.


 Aural vertigo. Roaring, buzzing in ears.


- Frequent bleeding of the nose (Epistaxis) when menses should appear; Worse morning after rising.

- Coryza with shooting and aching in the forehead. Swelling of tip of nose feels as if it would ulcerate when touched.      

(description exceeds maximum possible length)