This is a rare and potent work created by our own Andrew Naughton, an expert demonologist and Scholar versed in rare psychic attacks, directed energy meant to create Chaos and despair, dark targeting of individuals, demon attachments, entity attachments and hundreds of rare dark works. Andrew, entered our circle when one of the elder Scholars from England passed away a few years ago. He is a MASTER of halting energy attacks, psychic warfare, targeting, gang energy stalking and energy and mental manipulation. He has assisted Scholars in creating advanced works, however, now we have asked him to create works specifically for the highest protection of those who have asked for our assistance.
Our core energy is our foundation for health and dynamic well-being, as well as being the first form of the soul that is most easily and readily available to us.
When it is imbalanced and directed towards another...we can send negativem harmful and even destructive energy towards another!!!
This can be stopped by lowering the core inner energy of the one "emitting and directing " attacks..
We rae a reflection of the world we create.
If you rise the energies of anger and hate to a high level it can create paranormal activity and destructive harm to other
lowering these energies to a more calm and peaceful level frequency within the attacker themself...can STOP this destructive and hateful cycles of events