Title: Walter Parks by Walter Parks

Artist: Walter Parks

Year of Release: 2009 Publisher: Walter Parks Music Publishing (BMI) Format: CD Condition: New (Sealed)


  1. Epiphany
  2. Troubadour
  3. Heed the Call
  4. So Bad So Good
  5. Vestibule
  6. New Mexico
  7. Conestoga
  8. The Angel's Point of View
  9. Requiem

Description: Immerse yourself in the soulful melodies and heartfelt lyrics of Walter Parks with his self-titled album "Walter Parks." This captivating album features nine tracks that blend blues, folk, and rock influences into a mesmerizing musical journey.

From the introspective "Epiphany" to the foot-stomping rhythm of "Troubadour" and the poignant storytelling of "Heed the Call," each song on this album showcases Walter Parks' exceptional talent as a singer-songwriter and guitarist. With themes ranging from love and loss to self-discovery and redemption, "Walter Parks" offers a deeply personal and evocative listening experience.

Published by Walter Parks Music Publishing (BMI), this album represents a culmination of Parks' musical prowess and creative vision. Each track is a testament to his artistry and passion for storytelling through music.

This CD is new and sealed, ensuring that the music remains untouched and pristine. Add "Walter Parks" to your collection and let the soulful sounds of Walter Parks uplift and inspire you.

Note: The item is new and sealed, as depicted in the accompanying photographs.