Yellowhorn Fruiting Shrub {xanthoceras sorbifolium northern} Exotic Showy Blooms | Bonsai Favorite | Edible 4 heirloom seeds
An unusual shrub with lacy refined pinnate leaves (somewhat like Sorbus as the species name). The entire plant almost disappears under the heavy bloom in May. Flowers begin life nearly white with a yellow eye that ages to a deep pink. In fall, kiwi sized fruits split open to gradually reveal heavy marble sized edible nuts within its chambers. Up to 9kg of sweet edible nuts per tree await the harvest basket. Similar taste to macadamia nuts when toasted. Provides a 35% protein flour.
Seed Count: 4
Collection Date: 01/09/24
Hardiness Zone: 5-9
Family: Sapindaceae
How to germinate Xanthoceras sorbifolium seeds:
Fastest, easiest and must successful method: Pour 1 cup hot tap water over seed. Repeat 2x in
1 hour. At pale seed pore, seek the “U” or smile just above. Here lays the seed root. With upmost
care, cradle seed in a cloth to hold firm so it won’t slip when you use a sharp knife or safety
backed razor blade to chip away at the hard seed coat to expose the smallest bit of white root.
NEVER cut the root. Optional 12 hour warm water soak. Baggie sow in 1 cup of fluffy clean barely
moist medium. Warm stratify 25-28C. Should sprout in 4-7 days. Transplant into deep nursery pots.
Full sun, dry-ish sites. Nut tastes of Macadamia. Awesome raw, roasted or high protein flour. White
fragrant flowers. Inner yellow blotch turns red when pollinated. Bee magnet. Pinnate foliage.