A perennial with shiny green stems and leaves, this herb has a flavor similar to celery. Try the leaves in salad or soup, and the seeds as a replacement for fennel seed or celery seed. This plant can reach a mature height of 6 to 8 feet, with yellow flowers appearing in umbels through June and July.

Lovage was often used in making cordials and liqueurs, both for culinary and medicinal use; every part of the plant, including the roots and seeds, is edible. Traditional medicine makes use of this herb to improve digestion, treat fevers and sore throats, and ease cramping. Because of their excellent deodorizing qualities, the leaves have often been used as an air freshener or to freshen the breath.


To start lovage indoors, plant the seeds OE inch deep in a flat 6-8 weeks before the last spring frost. Germination usually occurs within 10-14 days,but can be longer. Keep the soil lightly moist with a spray bottle or careful watering,and keep the temperature cool for the best result.When the seedlings are big enough to handle and there is no chance of frost, plant them 2-3 inches apart in rich soil and full sun or partial shade. Lovage can also be direct sown in the fall for early spring growth.


Lovage thrives in moist soil, and needs regular watering especially when it is becoming established. Control weeds. A very hardy herb, lovage survives cold well but will need mulching in very cold winters. Since lovage easily reseeds itself,cut the flowering heads before they go to seeds to prevent volunteer plants. Cutting back the stems will cause the growth of new and more abundant leaves.After several years of growth, lovage benefits from being dug up and divided, the plant grows well from root and stem cuttings, and parts of the extensive roots can then be harvested for culinary use.


As soon as the plant reaches a height of 12 inches, harvesting can begin.Harvest fresh leaves or stems as needed, taking the outer stems first, the best time to harvest is in the morning after the dew has dried. Though fresh leaves and stems have the best flavor, they can also be frozen, drying tends to deprive them of flavor. The roots and seeds which are also edible, can be harvested in the spring or fall.

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