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Ritual cast over half a day using a constantly burning 4 day candle and focussed meditation
or over 30 non-ritual sessions over consecutive days.
30 short sessions can also be spaced out over e.g. every 3 days or once a week
an mp3 recording provided in all cases from each session.For tough, difficult to budge, stubborn cases or cases where you want to go all out.
This 'Hard to budge' casting applies to any of the spell listings in the section Angel Pure Light Karma Free Spell Castings Please choose a spell listing alongside this one.
This listing will upgrade your choice
Total Payment of USD 1500 Disclaimer: I am a true believer in my work and in all that I do. These are my personal beliefs. However, it is common sense to understand that, nothing can be promised to you in a psychic reading or spiritual work here on Bonanza. In this context, we all have control over our future, our bodies, our minds and our destiny. All psychic readings and spiritual work should only be regarded as entertainment only.