Mouth watering blend of herbs with an earthy, cooling, calm taste will delight the senses. Paired with our Wild Yam, there is a synergy of herbs that will surely become a daily regimen.

Made with organic herbs: red raspberry leaf, lemon balm, hibiscus, sage, and chaste berry which are known women’s hormone tonic herbs. Blended into a loose leaf herbal infusion for your convenience and craving pleasure.

Directions for use: Add a tablespoon of loose herbs to your tea infuser. Pour boiling water over herbs in your cup. Cover while steeping. Drink when desired.

Makes a great sun tea when paired with a white tea leaf!

Be sure to look at the herbal section of the shop to see all the hormone remedies we have available.

❤️This is a powerful choice when combined with our Wild Yam Salve. ❤️