Shadia created this fabulous unique costume by using elements of an Indian skirt, then embellishing them with beading and crystals on a background of black sequins. The items included in this sale are the bra, belt, and bracelet. The skirt shown is not included, although you could commission her to make you a similar one.
The inside cup measurements for the bra: 6 1/2” top to bottom. 7 1/2” across the center. This is a C cup, although a D cup could wear it, if an enhanced cleavage look is desired. The length of the bra is 33”. If you need a longer length Shadia can adjust it for no extra charge. The shoulder straps are 15 1/2” long. The halter strap is 27” long. These straps can be adjusted to your specifications at no extra charge.
The belt is 42” long. Again, an adjustment can be made for you.
The beaded fringe on the belt was done using glass seed beads.
The quality and detail and love bestowed upon this costume elevates it far above the mass produced ones available overseas.
This costume radiates soul!
I welcome all questions and requests for more photos.