Saturday Evening POST
Own a piece of history, fascinating to read! The POST is famous for its great illustrators (on the cover and inside!) -- each issue also features articles, stories by famous authors, photographs, and great vintage advertisements! -- Exclusive MORE MAGAZINES detailed content description, below! *
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ISSUE DATE: June 23 1962; VOL 235, No 25, 6/23/62
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THE COVER: The fleet's out, but two trim runabouts, blonde and brunette, remain at the yacht-club pier. This evening after work the girls will be besieged for dates by the young men now frittering away the afternoon in sailboats. How long, artist GEORGE HUGHES wonders, before some bright guy discovers that he who helps peel potatoes while the sun shines fares better when the moon comes up?
The Prehistoric Producer ... By RAY BRADBURY. "The Lizard of the lodge had his image to consider." [FULL PAGE COLOR painting by AL HIRSCHFELD, SEE BELOW!]
The Ironclad Alibi (Part 1 of 2) ... By Steve McNeil. Illustrated by James Bama. [See below!]
The Wedding Came Too Dear ... By Neill C. Wilson. Illustrated by Joe Kaufman.
America the Ugly (Speaking Out) ... By Stewart Alsop.
Toughening Our Soft Generation ... By R. M. Marshall with William Gill.
How to Succeed in Show Business by Being Rediscovered ... By George Scuiin. The Rediscovery of RUDY VALLEE. Article, photos.
The Cases of Goldfine and Costello ... By Edward Bennett Williams.
Seagoing Challenge From Down Under ... By W. A. Powers.
Strangers From a Barren Paradise ... By Charlotte and Denis Plimmer.
How We Exposed Billie Sol Estes ... By Oscar Grjffin Jr.
(A Full page photo and text about each):
CHRISTINE KAUFMANN, Serene Actress. (Beautiful!
JOAN WALDRON, Insurance Underwriter.
DR. MURDOCK HEAD, Conference Maker.
DR> EDWARD ANDERS, Celestial Chemist.
DEPARTMENTS: Letters; Post Scripts; Hazel; Editorials.
BILLIE SOL'S NEMESIS. The year 1960 was go-go-go for young Oscar Griffin Jr.: He won four major awards from the Texas Press Association for his editing of the Canyon News; he accepted a job from the Pecos Independent and Enterprise; and he developed an ulcer. Two years later Griffin uncovered the facts which precipitated the downfall of Mr. Pecos himself -- the flamboyant Billie Sol Estes. News correspondents swarmed into Pecos, Oscar Griffin became a celebrity and his ulcer started acting up again. When it calmed down, we persuaded Griffin to write his exclusive story, telling how the Independent got the goods on Billie Sol.
OTHER BY-LINES. What blight-free spot in AMERICA THE UGLY does blight-hater Stewart Alsop head for on his vacations? Says Alsop: "Aspen, Colorado."... Two of R. M. Marshall's sons were killed in World War II and the third was wounded. "The tragic knowledge of what his boys faced up to," says Marshall's collaborator, writer William Gill, makes him especially concerned about the softness of today's youth."... George Scullln, 17 years a free-lancer, reports on Rudy Vallee's showbusiness comeback. . . . American yachtsman W. A. Powers tells how Australian yachtsmen plan to cop the America's Cup.... Charlotte and Denis Plimmer, a man-and-wife writing team, are Americans who live in London.... Ray Bradbury has a close friend who, like the hero of his tale, makes monsters for movies. . . . Steve McNeil, author of 91 Post stories, is now in Hollywood writing screenplays. . . . The Post's new chief editorial writer is William K. Goolrick, aged 41, formerly of National Geographic and L fe magazines. A World War II reserve (see the lead editorial on page 74), he won a Silver Star as an intelligence officer on Gen. George Patton's staff. Seriously wounded in the Battle of the Bulge, Goolrick was hospitalized thirty months while recovering. He lives in a Washington suburb with his wife and two children.
* NOTE: OUR content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date. This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Oversized magazine, Approx 10" X 13". COMPLETE and in GOOD condition. (See photo)
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