Title: British Destroyers in World War II (Warships Illustrated No. 4)
Author: R.A. Burt
Publisher: Arms & Armour Press
Publication Year: 1985
Format: Paperback
"British Destroyers in World War II," authored by R.A. Burt, is an invaluable resource for enthusiasts and historians interested in the naval history of World War II. Published by Arms & Armour Press in 1985, this paperback edition is part of the Warships Illustrated series, specifically focusing on British destroyers during the conflict.
The book provides a comprehensive overview of British destroyer operations, technology, and design throughout World War II. Richly illustrated with photographs, diagrams, and detailed captions, it offers insights into the development and deployment of these vital vessels during wartime.
This paperback is in good condition, with the cover and pages well-preserved. The photographs provided offer a visual representation of the book's condition.
The paperback edition of "British Destroyers in World War II" is in good condition. The cover and pages are intact, showing minimal signs of wear. The spine is straight and uncreased, and the pages are free from markings or annotations.
Explore the vital role of British destroyers during World War II with this informative volume from the Warships Illustrated series. Whether you're a naval history enthusiast or a military historian, this book offers a detailed and accessible account of these essential vessels' contributions to the conflict.