Type: Perennial
Hardiness: Zones 5 to 9
Light Requirements: Full sun
Water Requirements: Averge
Bloom Colors: Red, orange, yellow
Bloom Period: Summer
Height: 30 to 48 inches
Spacing: 16 to 24 inches
Features: Showy blooms, attracts butterflies
Description: Plants are formed of clumps of very long, slender grey-green leaves up to 3 ft. in length. The long, brightly-colored, tubular flowers encircle the tops of the thick, upright stems. Flowers first appear bright red, then orange before eventually maturing to yellow from the bottom upward giving them a bi-colored appearance. Each of the flower heads can span up to 12 inches long with plants reaching a height of nearly four feet in ideal conditions. Plants will multiply reliably but not to the point of being invasive. These exotic and unique plants make a conversation-worthy addition to any garden space.
Uses: Torch Lily grows best in full sun with a moderately moist but well drained soil. Plants are heat and drought tolerant once established. Plants are extremely attractive to hummingbirds and butterflies. Makes a lovely addition to perennial beds and borders, tropical or Asian themed garden spaces. Also useful in container gardens and fresh cut flower arrangements.