The story of Mina Dobic and her family is a modern odyssey. Her journey to health and wholeness weaves together many of the transcendent themes of the last half-century; the struggle between communism and a free society, the conflict between conventional medicine and holistic health, and the centrifugal forces pulling apart the modern family and the unifying thread that holds it together.

Along the way, Mina passed from cancer victim to cancer survivor, from patient to healer, from student to teacher. Born and having lived in former Yugoslavia for over 40 years, today she is one of the leading macrobiotic cooks and counselors on the West Coast of the USA, inspiring many others with her wisdom, love and compassion.

Thanks to the Dobics and many other families around the world, macrobiotics is beginning to enter the mainstream and influence the course of modern society.

Despite notable strides by the medical research community introducing newly developed therapies and medications, every 15 seconds someone is diagnosed with heart disease or cancer. At the turn of the century cancer affected one out of twenty-seven people. By 1950, the rate had leaped to one in eight; and by 1985, official estimates were that one out of three people would develop the disease.

If cancer continues increasing at this rate, by the year 2000, every other person could ultimately develop it. By the year 2020, cancer could strike four out of five people and, soon thereafter, virtually everyone!

This book tells how to recover from cancer and, better yet, how to prevent it through diet and a simple lifestyle. It explains the philosophy of living in balance with nature. It reminds us how we humans, with our emphasis on fixing things and arrogance of improving on nature, have brought ourselves and other species to the verge of extinction.

This book is about something which is missing in this present world. It is about love, about the real purpose of life which is to nurture and celebrate ourselves, other creatures, the earth, and the Universe which gave us life. It gives us hope for humankind and for the world.

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