Scarlett O'Hara Morning Glory is an annual flowering vine named after the fiery protagonist of Margaret Mitchell's novel "Gone with the Wind."
Fast-growing vines can reach 8 to 10 feet in height, making them ideal for covering fences, trellises, and arbors. Their dark-green, heart-shaped leaves provide an attractive backdrop even when the flowers are not in full bloom.
Large, crimson-red, trumpet-shaped blossoms, which measure up to 4 inches across, open with the morning sun and close late in the afternoon, creating a stunning display of color throughout the summer months.
For warm climates, direct sow in early spring once the soil reaches a temperature between 70 to 85 degrees F. For cooler climates, start indoors 6 to 8 weeks before the last spring frost. Plant seeds 1/4 inch deep and keep soil evenly moist until germination, which should occur within 7 to 21 days.