Colocasia esculenta var. 'Black Magic'
Colocasia esculenta var. 'Black Magic' is an elephant ear plant that is very common in the water garden industry. Black Magic Taro is used as a tropical marginal plant in the water garden hobby. It has attractive purplish-black leaves and is planted at the edge of a water garden in shallow water. As the common name indicates, Colocasia esculenta var. 'Black Magic' has leaves shaped like an elephant ear. These large purplish-black leaves make Black Magic Taro a "must have" plant for every water garden.
Common Name: Black Magic taro
Use: Tropical Marginal
Flower Color: White
Leaf Color: Purplish black
Height: 3' to 4'
Width: 3'' to 8''
Container Size: 1 gallon or larger
Fertilizer: 2 tablets monthly
Hardiness Zone: 9 to11
Light Conditions: Full sun to partial shade
Native To: Asia
MARGINAL OR BOG PLANTS Marginal plants should be planted in individual containers of approximately 1 to 3 gallon capacity. Some marginal plants are grown in 2'' net pots and it is recommended that you plant without removing these net pots as not to damage the roots. The 2 inch net pots are designed to split apart as the plants matures. You can help speed up this process by snipping a couple of times around the top rim of the pot. Plant as you would the lilies with heavy loam soil, but when adding fertilizer tablets, use 1 tablet for 1 gallon size pots and 2 tablets for 2 or 3 gallon size pots. Marginal plants should be lowered to a depth of only 1 to 3 inches. They grow out of the water and are usually found at the water's edge.