Story Summary:
The High School DxD manga series, illustrated by Hiroji Mishima, began serialization in the July 2010 issue of Fujimi Shobo's Dragon Magazine. Following the third chapter, the manga began regular monthly serialization in Monthly Dragon Age. The first volume of the manga was published by Fujimi Shobo on June 9, 2011, under their Dragon Comics Age imprint. As of April 9, 2014, there are six volumes published.
The manga also has a side-story adaptation, called High School DxD: Asia and Koneko's Secret Contracts!? (ハイスクールD×D アーシア&小猫 ヒミツのけいやく!? Haisukūru DxD: Āshia ando Koneko Himitsu no Keiyaku!?). Taking place after chapter 10 of the main manga, it centers around Asia Argento's first duties as a Devil, with Koneko aiding her. The manga was illustrated by manga artist Hiroichi, and was serialized in Monthly Dragon Age from the October 2011 issue (released on September 9, 2011) to the April 2012 issue (released on March 9, 2012). It was later released as a tankōbon volume on March 9, 2012.
Item Description:
Title: High School DxD
Story by Ichiei Ishibumi
Art by Hiroji Mishima
Language: English Language
Volume: 1-11(END)
Genre: Action, Comedy, Fantasy
Publisher: WOS Limited Manga