Title: The Gray Book of Favorite Songs: A New Edition of Uncle Sam's Favorite Songbook
Compiled and Edited by: John W. Beattie
Publisher: Hall & McCreary, Chicago
Published Year: 1924
Format: Paperback
Condition: Good
Condition Details:
This paperback edition of "The Gray Book of Favorite Songs," published by Hall & McCreary in 1924, is in good condition. Notable details include:
"The Gray Book of Favorite Songs" offers a rich collection of choruses and other songs for various occasions, comprising 148 songs, 133 of which include music. Compiled and edited by John W. Beattie, this edition provides a diverse selection of beloved tunes suitable for gatherings, performances, and personal enjoyment.
Note to Buyers:
Please review the provided photographs to assess the condition of the book accurately. Despite minor creases and wear, this edition remains a valuable resource for music lovers and collectors interested in vintage songbooks.