A New Mexico Mining Location
with Real Dinosaur Fossils
$9.50 each plus $1.00 shipping
JURASSIC CANYON is a high-elevation
(6600 ft) mining area located 22 miles NW
of Grants NM, in North/Central New
Mexico. It lies in the shadow, four miles
away, from a long-extinct volcano, Mount
Taylor.  During the Jurassic era, 200
million to 146 million years ago, active
rocks were lifted from deep underground
and were spewed onto the canyon area.
  The mined minerals of the canyon were
Jurassic Todilto Limestone, Carnotite,Uraninite, Coffinite,
and Tyuyamunite.  The mines were abandoned
in 1989, but are likely soon to
be restored because of rising mineral
prices worldwide. The canyon was heavily
populated with many ancient
 species of dinosaurs, especially with 
ALLOSAURUS, a large dinosaur
predator that dominated New Mexico for
60 million years.The Allosaurus theropod
carnivorous species is known as the
"King of the Radioactive Dinosaurs."
The Allosaurus was long extinct before 
the T-Rex appeared in New Mexico 70
million years ago, shortly before the 
asteroid impact killed off all existing
dinosaurs. The Allosaurus and 
Tyrannosaurus Rex dinosaur  species
never encountered each other at the
Jurassic Canyon location.
My hobby, as a retired college professor,
is rockhounding:  have collected rocks
at Jurassic Canyon with 35 multi-day
trips there since 2014.  In my early
rockhounding trips I visited the canyon
alone, but during the past seven years I
have had others with me. I need others
because the canyon has large
rattlesnakes.  I fear that if I suffered a
snake bite, I might be unable to drive the
car to the nearest hospital at Grants, 22
miles from the Canyon. A companion
could drive the car instead of the snakebite victim.

 This video series of hour-long shows

began in 2010 on the Discovery-Science

TV channel. Two seasons of 60min

shows have already been aired; the third

season of new programs will be aired

beginning in July this year. The series

staff are cowboy types mainly from

Montana and Wyoming; they search for

dinosaur fossils on private lands, which

they then sell to natural history

museums. Two episodes of DINO

HUNTERS were based at the

Abercrombie Ranch in eastern New

Mexico, focusing on the Woolly

Mammoth fossils that were recovered

there. Soon, I will invite that series'

producers to do a 60min episode at

Jurassic Canyon. This canyon's fossils

differ from those found elsewhere,

because they are affected by the activity

of the minerals that exist in the canyon.

Two photos near the end of the picture

series show two small radioactive

fossilized dinosaur skulls that I found at

the canyon in June 2021, most likely

these are juvenile veociraptor skulls.


  The LAST PHOTOS show a large

dinosaur bone fossil, recovered from

active mined minerals, being displayed at

the New Mexico Mining Museum, at

downtown Grants NM.



These are available with either of two

 background colors: RED or YELLOW.

The patches are genuine embroidered

cloth: They can be ironed-on, or sewn-
on. On my own brown prospecting shirts,
I have my seamstress do both
methods for attaching the patch to the
shirt's cloth.  On Ebay, there are many
ads for patches for the "Jurassic
Park" six-movie series.  The big

 difference between Jurassic Park and

Jurassic Canyon is that Jurassic Park

is a fictional movie series, whereas Jurassic
Canyon is a real location in New
Mexico, which was inhabited during the
ancient Jurassic era by real dinosaurs!

 The New Mexico Museum of Natural

History at Albuquerque even claims that

many dinosaur species were only found

here, NOT in other states or countries.  
One of the five minerals mined at the
canyon, Jurassic Todilto Limestone, is  
found there and at no other locations
worldwide. Among other papers I will
enclose with your cloth patch, I will send
a photocopy of a scientific paper I wrote
about the JTL mineral rock. This mineral
type is unique because it is the rock type 
that is most likely to contain dinosaur
fossils, at this site. At the end of my
photo series, you will see the two small
juvenile velociraptor dinosaur fossils that
I found at the canyon, in June 2021.
Wikipedia claims that the Jurassic
Canyon movies exaggerated the size of
velociraptors; the movies portrayed
these dinosaurs as being 6-8 ft tall;
actually, the adult velociraptor dinos
were merely the size of large dogs.
Stephen Buggie, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus of Psychology
Univ. of New Mexico, Gallup
Gallup NM 87301-6979