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Product description: This quintessential book victoriously celebrates and convincingly proclaims the absolute sovereignty of God. Sadly, religion has veiled the truth of the God of the Bible, making Him either an aloof deity, indifferent to the condition of the creation, or one who is at the worst cruel or at the least unloving and uncaring. Yet the loving Deity of Sacred Scripture always has had and will have sole and complete control over His entire creation. This ultimate collection of 100 works by 34 authors spans nearly 175 years. It is an extensive reference work that is essential for every library. Among others, authors include: Arthur P. Adams, George Addair, D. Buchanan, Edward H. Clayton, F.W. Davis, John H. Essex, Joseph A. Freeman, Count Vladimir Gelesnoff, Stephen Hill, Jack E. Jacobsen, M. Jaegle, A.E. Knoch, Arthur C. Lamb, Aaron Locker, C.H. Mackintosh, Robert McMahon, William Mealand, Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr., Frank Neil Pohorlak, William B. Screws, William E. Sibthorpe, Andre Sneidar, Dr. William H. Walker, Benjamin B. Warfield and Dean Wilkinson.