Altman Zim Lactazine 60 Capsules

A little about Zim lactase

Digestive enzymes are proteins that help the body break down food and digest it.

They are found in the saliva, stomach, and pancreas and are divided into three main groups:

Amylases (carbohydrate joints), proteases (protein joints), and lipases (fatty joints).

Digestive enzyme supplements will usually contain a mixture of the three groups, with the addition of plant-derived enzymes such as bromelain and papain (belonging to the protease group) to help digest food before it reaches bacteria in the gut and ferment, a fact that will reduce nutrient uptake and possibly cause nasal effects.

For this reason, taking digestive enzymes during or immediately after a meal is recommended.

An enzyme blend containing a lactase enzyme that helps digest dairy products

High concentration of the enzyme lactase

A formula that provides support for additional digestive enzymes to break down the rest of the meal components

60 capsules