Experience the heartwarming and hilarious story of a couple and their lovable but mischievous dog in Marley & Me. This 3-disc Bad Dog Edition includes both Blu-ray and DVD versions of the film, ensuring that you can enjoy it on any player. The movie features Owen Wilson and Jennifer Aniston as the lead actors, with David Frankel as the director and Gil Netter and Karen Rosenfelt as producers. The film is rated PG and has a run time of 110 minutes. It comes in a Blu-ray case and has a 2.35:1 aspect ratio, ensuring a stunning viewing experience. The DVD edition year is 2009, and the movie was released in the United States. The item is in like-new condition and has not been modified. The language options include English, French, and Spanish, with subtitles available in all three languages. Get ready to laugh and cry with Marley & Me.