Book Set Of Lord Of The Rings Part 2-3.

The Return of The King, the third and last book in J.R.R. Tolkien's trilogy, The Lord of the Rings, follows the adventures of the Companions of the Ring to their thrilling conclusion. The lifting of the siege of Gondor, the battle on the fields of the Pelennor, the marshalling of forces for the final great battle, the rescue of Frodo and his journey to Mount Doom, all play their part in the eventual fate of the One Ring and the ending of the Third Age of Middle-earth.

The Two Towers, the second book in J.R.R. Tolkien's trilogy, The Lord of the Rings, recounts the further adventures of the Companions after the breaking of the Fellowship of the Ring - the resurrection of Gandalf the White, the Rescue of King Theoden, the besieging of the tower of Or-thanc, the betrayal of Frodo and Sam, and the capture of Frodo by the Ores.