World Labor. Scientific and Literary Journal published by M. Khan. 1869. # 9. In Russian/Vsemirnyy trud. Ucheno-literaturnyy zhurnal izdavaemyy M. Khanom. 1869 g. # 9. C-Pb Typography by Dr. M. Khan. 1869 D. Mordovtsev: Gaydamachin (cont.) F. Livanov: The copycat prophet and forerunner Alexander Ivanov Shilov M. Zagulayev: The eccentrics of the revolutionary idea V. Andreev: Representatives of power in Russia, Pavel I. L. Mansurova: Lets change, old woman (verse.) F. Huber: Papacy as a brake on the welfare of peoples V. Hugo: Aristocracy (verse.) F. Shpilgagen: The Village Coket N. Stepanov: The exhibition of the Academy of Arts in 1869 Bibliography: Russia and Serbia. Historical sketch of the Russian patronage of Serbia from 1806 to 1856. Nila Popova The Fates of Slavs (poem Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalb6c19ffea6185904b