Relive the classic coming-of-age film "Stand by Me" with this DVD in Very Good condition. Directed by Rob Reiner and starring River Phoenix, Wil Wheaton, and Corey Feldman, this movie tells the story of four friends who set out on a journey to find a dead body in the woods.

This DVD has been tested and is guaranteed to play without any issues. The disc and case are in Very Good condition with only minor wear and tear.

Get ready to enjoy this timeless film with family and friends, or add it to your collection of must-see movies. Don't miss out on this opportunity to own "Stand by Me" on DVD!


Stand by Me, DVD, 1986, Rob Reiner, River Phoenix, Wil Wheaton, Corey Feldman, coming-of-age, classic, very good condition, tested, guaranteed, disc, case, timeless, movie, collection.