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TITLE: GQ (Gentleman's Quarterly) Magazine
[ Beautiful magazine full of features, articles, Men's fashion, beautiful women, vintage ads and MORE-- See FULL contents list below!]
ISSUE DATE: October 2007; Vol. 77, No. 10

[Use 'Control F' to search this page. MORE MAGAZINES' exclusive detailed content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date.] This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

COVER: JACK NICHOLSON. 50th Special Anniversay Issue! Over 470 Pages!

COLIN POWELL He was pushed aside in the run-up to war, but as he tells WALTER ISAACSON, he, too, bears some of the blame.
MICHAEL JORDAN Why was he so apolitical? Why does he gamble? What still holds his interest? MJ speaks candidly with LARRY PLATT.
TED TURNER Did Ted Turner just call the conflict in Iraq "Rupert's war"? Yeah, he went there BY WIL S. HYLTON.
DR. DRE The Good Doctor talks to ALEX PAPPADEMAS about rap's early days, his new album, and his continuing affair with the chronic.
JOE PATERNO Even if you're a sworn enemy of the Nittany Lions, we promise that after you read this profile by JEANNE MARIE LASKAS, there'll be a little part of you rooting for JoePa this year.
THE GO TIME LINE A guided tour through the magazine's history.
AL PACINO > John Bryson Time Life Pictures/Getty Images.
JOHNNY DEPP > Anton Corbijn.
JACK NICHOLSON > Snowden Camera Press/Retna Ltd.
PAUL NEWMAN > David Sutton
TOM BRADY > Richard Burbridge.
MUHAMMAD ALI > Philippe Haisman Magnum Photos.
MICHAEL JORDAN > Annie Leibovitz for Vanity Fair Contact Press Images.
ROBERT REDFORD > Stanley Tretick.
SEAN CONNERY The Everett Collection.
THE SEVEN TEMPLES OF THE FOOD WORLD ALAN RICHMAN supped at the seven finest restaurants on earth to discover what greatness tastes like. Turns out, it's delicious.

[1957 MAN Picture returning to an era when you worked an honest nine to five and your wife had dinner waiting on the table. Total bliss? Not so much. Risking his friendships, social credibility, and marriage, MICHAEL PATERNITI travels fifty years into the past.

OFF THE RECORD WITH DON RUMSFELD The much maligned former secretary of defense talks about his time in office--and insists he has nothing to apologize for BY LISA DEPAULO.

BE VERY AFRAID: A FIELD GUIDE TO THE GRAVEST THREATS\: FACING AMERICA '' STEPHEN COLBERT outlines the problems that put this great nation at risk and offers a few commonsense imprisoning all the gays actors, athletes, artists, and philanthropists (plus an attorney and a chef) who've left their mark l on the past fifty years and will f.k. help define the next BY GREG VETS.

DON'T SHOOT THE DJ 1 tl turned producer Mark Ronson shorts the styles or the French New Wave era.
THE NEW STANDARDS Cheek out these modern takes on ti me-tested staples.
DRESS YOUR DECADE Each of the past six decades has had a very distinct suit style. The good news for you: Designers are making impressive versions of them right now, as shown off by Peter Krause, star of ABCs Dirty Sexy Money.

THE COVERS PORTFOLIO We celebrate the covers of GQ (even the Streisand one) with insights from the stars who graced them and the legends who were influenced by them.
PARTING SHOT Cindy Crawford, 2007 (am-) COLUMNS.
GQ REGRETS There have been furs. Mesh bathing suits. Animal prints. Jumpsuits. Need we go on? ALEX PAPPADEMAS revisits fifty years' worth of horrific sartorial decisions.
ROOTS DAVID KAM P on the men who produced GQ in the late '70s--amazing characters (like the then emerging Bruce Weber) who pioneered more than just style.

Use 'Control F' to search this page. * NOTE: OUR content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date. This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

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