DVD Born to Run 如果奔跑是我的人生 Eps 1-28 END English Subtitle All Region FREESHIP



Version : Chinese

Subtitles : English, Chinese

Region Code : Region Free



一场寿宴之后突如其来的车祸, 分别给赵秀丽(陈小艺饰) 和赵秀芳(许娣饰) 两个家庭带来毁灭性的打击。妹妹赵秀丽的二儿子陈若轩(刘恒甫饰) 是一位品学兼优的高三学生, 他在车祸中失去了年轻的生命;姐姐赵秀芳的独女程安心(钟楚曦饰) 是一位年轻的舞蹈老师, 她在车祸中失去了双腿。赵秀丽的大女儿陈若华(杨超越饰) 为了帮助母亲赵秀丽走出伤痛, 带着赵秀丽住到了自己学生宿舍, 但心伤难愈的赵秀丽还是给大四即将毕业的陈若华带来了巨大的麻烦, 尤其是在和周凯泽(王宥钧饰)的恋爱生活当中, 陈若华因为母亲赵秀丽的过度施压备受折磨;而面对心灰意冷的女儿程安心, 以及日渐脆弱、逃避的女婿秦峰(宋洋饰), 一直肥胖的赵秀芳决心要通过完成从未成功过的减肥来激发女儿程安心的信心。陈若华在和母亲赵秀丽的相处过程中, 一度走向偏执, 但最终还是回到了正轨, 解开了母女间的心结;赵秀芳最终成功减肥, 陪伴程安心走出婚姻, 重新站起来面对生活。

"Born to Run" tells the inspirational family ethics story of two mothers and daughters who rebuild their souls and ignite their lives after a car accident hit the bottom of their lives through a female perspective.

Xiu Fang and Xiu Li are a pair of completely different sisters. Xiu Fang is optimistic and tenacious. After losing her husband, she opened a fried chicken shop for a living . All the while going through depression. Xiu Li is pessimistic, depressed, patriarchal, and has a strong desire to control her two children.

After Xiu Fang's 60th birthday party, a car accident claimed the legs of her daughter An Xin and the life of Xiu Li's son. How to start life again has become the biggest problem facing the two families... When fate made a big joke with you, what would you choose to do? The future is blocked by a wall of resentment, fear, helplessness, hesitation, despair so what will you do?