300+Lovage Seeds(Levisticum officinale) Celery Fennel Parsley Flavor Perennial Herb USA

A perennial with shiny green stems and leaves, this herb has a flavor similar to celery. Try the leaves in salad or soup, and the seeds as a replacement for fennel seed or celery seed. This plant can reach a mature height of 6 to 8 feet, with yellow flowers appearing in umbels through June and July.

Lovage was often used in making cordials and liqueurs, both for culinary and medicinal use; every part of the plant, including the roots and seeds, is edible. Traditional medicine makes use of this herb to improve digestion, treat fevers and sore throats, and ease cramping. Because of their excellent deodorizing qualities, the leaves have often been used as an air freshener or to freshen the breath.