Saturday Evening POST
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ISSUE DATE: FEBRUARY 29, 1964; 237th YEAR, ISSUE NO. 8, 2/29/64
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THE COVER. Free-lancer Jack Fields photographed this smiling Micronesian maiden during a ceremonial dance on Ulithi Atoll in the Carolines.
ENTERTAINMENT: The square world of CLAUDIA CARDINALE by Pete Hamill. ("The movies' newest sex symbol shuns nudity, off-set romances, doesn't even smoke or drink." [NICE article, Includes FULL PAGE COLOR PHOTO.
Down with tipping (Speaking Out) . . . by John A. Patton.
Affairs of state . . . by Stewart Alsop.
The politics of the space age . . . by Lyndon Baines Johnson.
America's neglected colonial paradise (Micronesia) . . . by Don Oberdorfer.
The play that rocked Europe ("The Deputy") . . . by Alfred G. Aronowitz.
Nebraska fiasco: buy now, pay never . . . by John Skow.
Harlem's war against slum lords . . . by Robert K. Massie.
NEW ORLEANS: Cosa Nostra's Wall Street by Bill Davidson.
In the rich, murky world of organized crime, the New Orleans area Is known as Cosa Nostra's banking center. The Mafia's annual income is over one billion dollars. which makes it Louisiana's largest industry. Its overlord is Carlos Marcello, according to testimony before the McClellan Committee. A former narcotics peddler. Marcello wears triple-sized pants pockets in which he carries huge sums of money. To penetrate the mob's operations, veteran crime reporter Bill Davidson and photographer Lynn Pelham posed as out-of-town businessmen. Davidson, who spent six weeks digging out the facts, shows the inner workings of the Syndicate's money capital and tells how public indifference and police cooperation bring wealth and power to the underworld's New Orleans branch.
The hardware man. . . . by John O'Hara. Illustrated by David Blossom.
Memoir of a long, long war . . . by Kenneth B. Platnick. Illustrated by David Passalacua.
DEPARTMENTS: Letters ;Post Scripts ;Hazel ;Editorials.
THE AUTHORS. President Lyndon Baines Johnson acquired an intimate knowledge of the politics of space as chairman of the Senate Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences. . . . To learn about Micronesia, contributing writer Don Oberdorfer accompanied a presidential survey mission studying the problems and possible future development of our neglected Pacific colonies. . . . Alfred G. Aronowitz, a contributing writer with a long interest in the theater, predicts that The Deputy will become "pro6ao(y t6e most controversial drama of our time." . . For his interviews with Italian film star Claudia Cardinale, free-lancer Pete Hamili, a transplanted NewYorkerwho now lives in Barcelona, dropped in on Miss Cardinale while she was shooting the epic motion picture Circus World in Spain. The interviews were held in Miss Cardinale's Barcelona hotel suite as well as on the set of the new movie.. . . John Skow, reporting on Nebraska's credit fiasco, found a legislative blunder had created endless installments of confusion there. . . . Robert K. Massie, who profiles Harlem's bitterness over living conditions and its recent pocketbook attack" on the slumlords, is a contributing writer.
* NOTE: OUR content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date. This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
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