Our "Bee's Knees" Pollinator Wildflower Seed Mix is packed with 18 different species that are suited for pollinators of all types! Bees, birds, and butterflies flock to the colorful gardens in which this mix is sowed. Buy a little for a small garden for our winged friends, or buy in bulk to save!
Siberian Wallflower
Cosmos Sensation Mix
Lance Leaf Coreopsis
California Poppy (Orange)
Lemon Queen Sunflower
Purple Coneflower
Baby Blue Eyes
Evening Primrose
Perennial Lupine
Red Corn Poppy
Purple Phacelia
New England Aster
Perennial Gaillardia
Gayfeather/Blazing Star
Sweet Alyssum
Yellow Prairie Coneflower
Crimson Clover