FRESH Spaghetti Squash Seeds | Heirloom | alcayota| Winter squash| 10 seeds.

I keep my seeds stock current. There is no guarantee on the seed germination because seed germination doesn't depend on seeds quality only. they require user experience, perfect temperature, proper watering. so i am selling my seeds as is with no guarantee. 

when to plant squash seeds based on your climate.
If you live in a northern growing zone and have a short growing season with less than 100 frost-free days, start squash seeds indoors under grow lights about 4 weeks prior to your last expected spring frost. Another option is to grow a fast-maturing variety such as ‘Small Wonder’, which produces single-serving sized squash in just 80 days.

If you live where the growing season is longer than 100 days, your best bet is to start spaghetti squash from seed planted directly into the garden.

Seeds are sown to a depth of 1 to 1 1/2 inches. When it comes to growing spaghetti squash, there are a few different techniques you can use.

Mound or hill planting: This is a good technique for gardeners with poorly draining soil. Build a mound of soil mixed with compost 3 to 6 feet wide and 8 to 10 inches high. Plant 3 to 4 spaghetti squash in the top of the mound, spacing them several inches apart. Mulch the mound and the surrounding area with straw or untreated grass clippings to retain moisture, limit weeds, and keep the developing squash off the ground. When growing spaghetti squash with this technique, the vines will ramble down the sides of the mound and over the mulch.

Ground planting: This technique is best for gardeners with decent drainage and lots of growing space. Most varieties of spaghetti squash produce vines that grow to a length of 8 feet or more. Space seed-planting holes 3 to 4 feet apart in the ground and sow 2 seeds per hole. Once the seeds sprout, cut off the weakest seedling at its base to thin the plants down to one strong seedling per hole. Mulch a 6-foot-wide area around the planting holes with straw or untreated grass clippings.

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