Get ready to celebrate the holiday season with this beloved children's book, "The Christmas Story" from the Little Golden Book Ser. Written by Jane Werner Watson and illustrated by Eloise Wilkin, this hardcover book is perfect for readers of all ages. With 24 pages of short stories, this book is a great addition to any book collection and is sure to bring joy and excitement to your home. Published by Random House Children's Books in 2000, this book is suitable for an audience of ages 2-12 and is a great way to share the story of Christmas with your child. The book measures 8 inches in length and 6.9 inches in width, with a height of 0.2 inches and a weight of 3.9 ounces. Whether you're looking for a gift for a young child or simply want to add to your own book collection, "The Christmas Story" is a must-have.