The World of Strawberry Shortcake presents the adorable 5" mini-collectible figure of Lemon Meringue, a charming girl doll with light complexion and curly yellow hair. This original and licensed reproduction is a must-have for collectors and fans alike, featuring a factory-sealed packaging that ensures its pristine quality. This figure of Lemon Meringue is made of plastic and weighs 0.5 lb, and it is part of the popular TLS TOY franchise. It comes with a single unit that includes one piece, a figure of the character, and belongs to the series The World of Strawberry Shortcake. The item is suitable for children aged 3 and up and can be used for all occasions. Take home this delightful collector toy of Lemon Meringue, one of the beloved characters from the iconic Strawberry Shortcake series, and add it to your collection today!