KS Florist Choice! Pacific Giant Delphinium 25 Seeds
Sow Indoors: Winter/Spring (4-6 weeks before last frost)
Sow Outdoors: Spring/Summer/Fall
Seed Depth: 1/8-1/4 Inch
Germination Time: 21-28 Days
Delphinium (Delphinium Cultorum King Arthur) - Make a statement in the flower garden
with a mass planting of these tall flowers grown from Pacific Giants Delphinium seeds.
They will be the stars of the early summer perennial garden. King Arthur bears rich, deep
royal-violet petals marked with a white "bee" at the center of each flower. The Pacific
Giant Hybrids are the tallest and showiest of all Delphiniums, with spikes that can reach
heights of 6 feet. They are a short-lived plant, and usually grown as an annual or a biennial,
but will grow as a perennial in certain climates. These flowers are in a distinct class noted
for their tall, stately appearance and true blue colored flowers, a hue that is relatively rare
in the perennial world.
If the main flower stalk is removed just after flowering, the plant will likely produce
secondary blooms in late summer or early fall. Delphinium Cultorum care includes applying
a balanced liquid fertilizer every month as the plants are heavy feeders. Also, because of
this plant's potential height and hollow stems, plant in an area that is sheltered from high
winds, or stake the plant to avoid them falling over or breaking.
To get a jump start on the growing season, sow Delphinium flower seeds indoors 4 - 6 weeks
before last frost. Use sterile starter mix in trays and cover flower seeds 1/8 - 1/4 inches.