To commemorate the 10th anniversary of a cherished family classic, Disney proudly presents a special movie collection featuring two modern-day fairy tales, The Princess Diaries and The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement, for the first time ever on Blu-ray.
\nPRINCESS DIARIES: Mia Thermopolis (Anne Hathaway) is a bright but terribly shy and gawky teenager whose goal in life is to survive each school day with a minimum of attention and embarrassment. Unfortunately, her wish to be invisible is thwarted when her strict grandmother arrives and delivers the shocking news that she is a real-life princess - heir to the throne of Genovia. And so begins a comical transformation towards poise and princess-ness when she finds herself in the middle of a media storm, jealous schoolmates and a plot to take over her country.
\nPRINCESS DIARIES: ROYAL ENGAGEMENT - Starring the irresistible Anne Hathaway and Academy Award winner Julie Andrews, this modern-day fairy tale picks up right where The Princess Diaries left off. As future queen of Genovia, Princess Mia has everything a girl could want - except the magical romance she has always dreamed of. But soon, Mia is shocked to discover that she needs to get married right now or her family will lose the crown! Comic complications rule the day in this delightful family story about finding out who you really are and discovering what it takes to make your dreams come true.
\nActors: Julie Andrews, Anne Hathaway, Heather Matarazzo, Hector Elizondo, John Rhys-Davies, Callum Blue
\nMinutes: 228
\nFormat: Blu-ray Region Free