After everything in her life falls to pieces, including her marriage to wealthy businessman Hal (Alec Baldwin), elegant New York socialite Jasmine (Cate Blanchett) moves into her sister Ginger's (Sally Hawkins) modest apartment in San Francisco to try to pull herself back together again. In a fragile mental state, emotionally precarious, and lacking any practical ability to support herself, Jasmine sees a potential lifeline when she meets Dwight (Peter Sarsgaard), a diplomat who is quickly smitten with her beauty, sophistication and style.
Throughout his career, Woody Allen has created many indelible female characters portrayed by some of the world's greatest actresses. Certain to make her place in this gallery of multifaceted, complex, and richly observed women is Jasmine, the troubled heroine of Allen's Blue Jasmine, portrayed by an extraordinary and regal Blanchett.
She stars alongside an incredible supporting cast in this emotionally powerful drama that is wise, tender and funny in equal measure.
Actors: Alec Baldwin, Cate Blanchett, Louis C.K., Peter Sarsgaard, Bobby Cannavale
Minutes: 94
Format: DVD Region 4