Name: Pansy Swiss Waved Mixed Seeds

Heirloom colors, large gorgeous flowers

Sku: TS417T

Quantity: 50 seeds

Package: professional pack

Pansies are short-lived evergreen perennials that are grown in as cool weather annuals or biennials. Grow as biennials by planting in fall, mulching in winter (e.g., hay or evergreen boughs) and then enjoying the spring bloom until the plants inevitably succumb to summer heat, at which point they should be removed from the garden. Plants do not need mulching in mild St. Louis winters, but may not always survive extremely harsh winters. Small but established plants generally overwinter better than large ones. A main advantage to planting pansies in fall is that they will bloom earlier (late winter to early spring) than spring transplants. Pansies may of course be easily grown as annuals by starting seed indoors in spring 12-14 weeks before last frost date.