Radiometer PGP201
Economical Electrochemical Laboratory
VoltaLab 21
With Voltamaster 7.09 software.
Note: Voltalab systems is fully supported by
Origalys company
I will provide software link and installation support after payment.
VoltaLab 21 is a compact potentiostat/galvanostat with built-in signal generator that can be used as a stand-alone instrument when it is programmed through its front panel. In this manual mode, the potentiostat scan rate can be selected up to 2.5 V/s. With VoltaMaster 4, the maximum scan rate is 10 mV/s. Ideal for corrosion studies, VoltaLab 21 records the polarization resistance and the corrosion potential over very long periods. Pitting tests as well as coupled corrosion tests are available. VoltaLab 21 works either in floating or non-floating mode. VoltaLab 21 Economical Electrochemical Laboratory Front Panel Rolling menu settings Large LCD display Manual Voltammetry Maximum compliance voltage ±20 V Maximum current output ±1 A Maximum polarisation voltage ±4 V
Ordering information VoltaLab 21 (230 V) A41A009 VoltaLab 21 (115 V) A41A010