Set in the present where a group of ruthless gangsters, an unknown woman and an escaped convict have met, unwittingly, in The Forest of Resurrection, the 444th portal to the other side. Their troubles start when those once killed and buried in the forest come back from the dead, with the assistance of the evil Sprit that has also come back, come back from ages past, to claim his prize. The final standoff between Light and Dark has never been so cunning, so brutal and so deadly. This is where old Japanese Samurai mysticism meets the new world of the gangster and the gun. Gruesome, bloody and positively bold.
English dubbed and Japanese.
The Movie Stop, like Game Stop was a chain of stores that would buy videos, starting with VHS and eventually DVD & Blu-ray, inspected and cleaned them and reseal them and sold them. I obtained a lot of my collection from them and never had a bad one. Many I never opened.
Buyer agrees to add $4.50 for Media mail shipping in the US, outside the US pays cost.
See my other Auctions
Items can be combined to save on shipping.
I return all feedback received.
Note: The post office just raised shipping again and it now costs over $4.50 to send a single tape or DVD (a pound or less) via Media Mail, over a pound cost more.
NOTE: My fixed price items do not roll over, they end and may or may not be relisted at a later date. The price never changes and I do not do offers.