This sale is for 1 Pot of  of Echinodorus barthii Pot Red melon Sword.    The plants will be similar to  the one that you see on the picture of the listing.  . I will also include a mystery plant of my choosing.   
Echinodorus barthii  DESCRIPTION
The cultivar Echinodorus ‘Barthii’ is a decorative and beautiful solitary plant for large aquariums. It becomes 25-50 cm tall and the whole rosette 20-30 cm wide. The leaves change colour from dark-red in the youngest leaves to dark-green in the oldest and also depending on how rich on iron is the susbtrate.. The colour develops well when the light intensity is high and there are sufficient iron micronutrients in the aquarium. A nutritious bottom  helps it growth quite big. This plant takes a lot of light from plants underneath, so it must be pruned occasionally.
CO2 demand: not required
Level: easy
Lighting: Low-Medium
Growth Rate: Medium
                                                                                                           Placement:  Midground- background