Get lost in the captivating story of "All Alone" by Russ Thompson, a young adult fiction novel published by Finding Forward Books in May 2021. This trade paperback book, measuring 8 inches in length, 5.2 inches in width, and 0.7 centimeters in height, is perfect for those looking for a heartwarming read. With 120 pages, this book tackles important topics such as family, marriage and divorce, social themes, self-esteem, self-reliance, and social themes related to drugs, alcohol, and substance abuse. The ISBN-13 number is 9781737315728, and the ISBN-10 number is 1737315726. This book is in English, and it weighs 145 grams or 5.1 ounces. It's a great addition to any book collection, and it's sure to leave a lasting impression on readers.